The Jatiya Party cannot be salvaged; there are no longer any expectations from this political party. The people view us as a subservient political party, believing that this party is incapable of further benefiting them. Kazi Feroz Rashid, Executive Chairman of Jatiya Party (Rowshan group), made these remarks during an interview with the Dhaka correspondent of Bangla Outlook.
Bangla Outlook: The conference was held without the GM Quader, yet the Election Commission accepted you?
Feroze Rashid: This conference wasn't intended to dismantle the Jatiya Party. Its purpose was to foster unity among everyone. However, ultimately, the breakdown couldn't be prevented. The Election Commission didn't accept our letter. We took our time. I'm drafting another resolution; I'll submit it. Then, the commission will decide. Nothing definitive can be said at the moment. However, it appears that we can not save the party.
Bangla Outlook: How will you respond to the people or party activists?
Feroze Rashid: People no longer expect anything from the Jatiya Party. They believe this group doesn't prioritise the people's concerns; self-interest dominates. People perceive our government as favouring a particular political party. Consequently, this party is deemed incapable of contributing meaningfully to politics or serving the people. A party cannot endure without the backing of the people, and neither can we.
Bangla Outlook: Will you take any steps to save the party?
Firoz Rashid: I haven't lost hope yet. We are determined not to let the party disintegrate. If President Ershad were alive, overcoming this situation would have been easier. If the party fractures, we lack the means to mend it. General Secretary Anwar Hossain Manju also attended our conference. We're all contemplating collective action. Our appeal is "Let's save the Jatiya Party together." I've incorporated provisions in the constitution to ensure that power doesn't remain concentrated in one individual's hands and that the party is governed with collective advice. Let's wait and see what unfolds.
Bangla Outlook: Have you reached out to the GM Quader?
Firoz Rashid: No, I haven't spoken with him. Regardless of what we may express, this party once held promise, but regrettably, that potential seems to have dissipated.
Bangla Outlook: Given your amicable relations with the ruling political party, will the government intervene to support you?
Firoz Rashid: Those within the parliament could comment on that. Quader Bhai asserts that the government and the people perceive us as merely a subservient opposition party. There's a lack of trust from the people.
Bangla Outlook: Do you harbour any aspirations to break free from this governmental deadlock?
Firoz Rashid: I'm attempting to, but it's proving to be challenging. The current state of the country makes political manoeuvring difficult.
Bangla Outlook: What is your stance regarding the government's one-sided approach?
Feroze Rashid: We're not in a position to challenge that. We haven't been vocal, neither on the streets nor in the parliament. We haven't even aligned ourselves with the people's demands. As Mr. Quader has already mentioned in parliament, we're confined by the decisions of one individual (Sheikh Hasina). We're at an impasse with no alternative courses of action.
Bangla Outlook: What do you have to say to the people?
Feroze Rashid: People have lost faith in the Jatiya Party. They've witnessed the party consistently prioritise its interests, hence their disillusionment. This sentiment has been articulated by none other than GM Quader himself.
Bangla Outlook: Thank you.
Firoz Rashid: And thank you to Bangla Outlook as well.