

"The autocratic government without elections had become known as a government of the mafia, by the mafia, for the mafia."--Tarique Rahman

Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

Publish: 18 Sep 2024, 12:53 AM

Photo Credit: Nazmul Islam

BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman has stated that Bangladesh, envisioned as a sovereign democratic state achieved through the sacrifices of countless martyrs, was meant to be a government "of the people, by the people, for the people.

"Instead", he said, the country has been subjected to mafia rule over the past 15 years. This regime, led by the exiled autocrat, has become synonymous with a government "of the mafia, by the mafia, for the mafia."

Tarique made these comments on Tuesday, during a BNP rally in Dhaka commemorating International Democracy Day.

He further criticized the mafia syndicate for making the country fragile, turning it into a state heavily reliant on imports, debt, and foreign aid.

Photo Credit: Nazmul Islam

According to Tarique, the mafia has caused the collapse of the country's financial institutions and has embezzled over 17 lakh crore Taka in the past fifteen years.

Tarique praised the courageous people of Bangladesh—students, citizens, women, children, farmers, and workers—for demonstrating their willingness to confront violence rather than accept autocratic rule.

He conveyed his greetings to Bangladesh’s democratic supporters on International Democracy Day, representing BNP, the country’s leading democratic party.

The acting BNP Chairman also highlighted that the sacrifices of those who died for democracy, as well as those who were injured, lost limbs, or became permanently disabled, will be honored with respect by the Bangladeshi people.

Photo Credit: Nazmul Islam

He called on the state to fulfill its obligations to the families of the victims.

He further pointed out that due to the unchecked corruption and looting by the fallen autocrat of August 5, Bangladesh’s foreign debt has now surpassed 100 billion dollars. Consequently, every child born in Bangladesh today inherits a debt of at least 1.5 lakh Taka without any justification.

In closing, Tarique noted that the enthusiastic presence of people on the streets, even in the face of hardship, indicates that achieving a fair and equitable Bangladesh requires continued sacrifice.

He urged that the path forward should not involve terrorism, conflict, or revenge, but should be guided by patience, tolerance, and dialogue.


Publisher: Nahidul Khan
Editor in Chief: Dr Saimum Parvez
Editor (English version): Faisal Mahmud
