Sept 28 (UNB) - The Water Development Board (WDB) opened all the 44 gates of
Teesta Barrage as the water level of the Teesta River has increased due to
onrush of upstream water and torrential rains, inundating the low-lying areas
in Lalmonirhat district.
The local Water
Development Board recorded 51.83 cm of water flow at Teesta Barrage point on
Friday afternoon.
Mohammad Rashedin,
deputy-engineer of Water Development Board (WDB) Dalia point, said the Teesta
was flowing below the danger level but due to the rise in water level all 44
barrage gates were opened.
However, the erosion on
the river banks of the Teesta took a serious turn due to the swelling of the
river caused by the torrential rainfall for the past several days.
The Local Weather
Observatory Centre in Rangpur recorded 130 mm of rainfall in 24 hours till
Friday afternoon.
Hossain Ali, a resident
of Char Gaddimari area said the roads in different parts of the district were
inundated due to the rise in water level of all rivers, creating panic among
people over flash flood.
Ziaul Haque Zia, acting
chairman of Gaddimari union in Hatibandha upazila, said roads and some
low-lying areas were flooded due to the torrential rainfall for the last two