

Beyond band-aids: Reconstruction debate points out need for fundamental constitutional change

Staff Reporter

Staff Reporter

Publish: 06 Oct 2024, 12:07 AM

Beyond band-aids: Reconstruction debate points out need for fundamental constitutional change

A discussion meeting titled "New Constitution and the Reconstruction of Post-Fascist Bangladesh" took place today at the Theater Institute in Chattagram, organized by the Students' Alliance for Democracy (SAD).

The event, which began at 4 PM, attracted a diverse audience, including students, educators, journalists, bankers, and workers from various sectors.

Renowned intellectual and political analyst Rifat Hasan delivered the keynote address, advocating for the creation of a new constitution rather than amendments to the existing one.

Hasan argued that this new document should not be viewed as a sacred text but as a political tool that embodies the sovereign will of the people, expressed through a popular uprising.

He emphasized the need for a clear social contract that delineates the foundation of the state.

Following the keynote, attendees engaged in a lively discussion, voicing their opinions and posing questions.

Hasan addressed these inquiries, facilitating a rich exchange of ideas on state and economic reconstruction.

The Students' Alliance for Democracy expressed optimism that such inclusive dialogues will significantly contribute to societal development and the establishment of a democratic state system.


Publisher: Nahidul Khan
Editor in Chief: Dr Saimum Parvez
